Inverness, Loch Ness & Black Isle
In late October, we decided to go to „the Highlands“ for a day or two. Since „the Highlands“ are somewhat a rough description and itR...
In late October, we decided to go to „the Highlands“ for a day or two. Since „the Highlands“ are somewhat a rough description and itR...
Cuthbert-Graveyard at Night with Zofia [nggallery id=53] Random Autumn Shots [nggallery id=54]
Glasgow is a city in Scotland. I didn’t really know anything else about it when I first signed up for the Glasgow Half Marathon, called the „Great S...
Have you ever seen a Hairy Coo? Well, why would you. But that is not the actual point of this post, and we’re going to get to that later. The Hairy Coo Co...
Zu den elementaren Fragen, die man eigentlich jedes Mal zu hören bekommt, wenn man jemand Neuen im Uni-Kontext kennenlernt, gehört: Und, was studierst du hier s...
(The title being an allusion to Katherine Price’s awesomest of all travel blogs,) I would like to announce that I finally got to the (very) top of Arthur&...
10. September: An afternoon in Old Town [nggallery id=21] 12. September: Das ganz, ganz andere Seminar Die School of History, Classics and Archaeology in Edinbu...
Probably only one of many, many night shootings to come. It’s just such a stunning view. Edinburgh at night has it’s very own kind of very old, medi...
Today I went for a fresher’s event that was announced as a guided tour through the Royal Botanic Gardens. It turned out to be more of a guided tour toward...
Bring those bloody parcels – I can’t bear listening to music on my laptop any more! Just a few pictures so that this post makes a little more sense.